Refresh and Advise

I will be away from Pantelleria making some work in Bolgna, in central Italy. It is also a chance to refresh some supplies, buy some DVD movies, eat Chinese food, MAYBE have access to DSL internet (here on Pantelleria I have only a dial-up modem).
There is a big open street market on the weekends in Bolgna that is amazing. People come from all over the world to shop in this gigantic market. Clothes, food, shoes, more shoes, accessories, odds and ends, kitchen things, etc etc....everything at astonishing prices. which is to say very cheap...but very good things (if you pay attention) at very good prices. So far I have been buying all my clothes there. I got a great carry bag for my Macbook Pro 17 inch computer there for $25 (easily a $70 bag retail). Excuse me for being so domestic. There are also great art supply stores, book shops, every kind of advanced european shopping nearby. So it is a chance to upgrade the tools and supplies, within the budget mind you.
Near to the house in Bologna there is an Asian fusion cafe which actually offers pretty good sushi and other Asian dishes. On Pantelleria there is only Italian food. We have a small population of Chinese people here actually and they have shops. These shops do not sell food, only cheap clothes and shoes for work, for the kids. I have made the suggestion to several of them that a Chinese cafe here would be just great by me.
I have taught a few of the cooks how to make southern cornbread, but otherwise it is Italian Food in this Italian Island.
In the event that I do not have internet access in Bologna, it may be 3 or 4 April before the next posting. I have posted the painting I am working on right now, it is not finished but this is where it is at now. It started out to be a painting of the lunar eclipse we had recently but now has also come to represent an ancient petroglyph called "corn pollen". Maybe the painting is corn pollen eclipse.
If he asks where I have gone, please tell President George Bush to kiss my ass. Otherwise Ciao and Kisses.
Turtle Heart